miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009



Before starting this semester, when I went to pick up my schedule and saw the academic curriculum, I realized I had a subject called "Society and the role of the individual", it caught my attention especially because it was a subject in English and that language is difficult for me, but besides that I was curious, I didn’t know what we going to learn in that subject and supposed to be different concepts about social problems or something like this.

After our first class I realized more or less what it was approaching the subject. I think the goal was that we can see the reality of society where we live, what are the problems that afflict and what are the factors that influence to make that better or worse, etc. We saw also the characteristics of a society based on different stages (1. - Early childhood, 2.- Late childhood, 3.- Adolescence, 4.- Adulthood, 5.- Maturity), to locate in our part to work from there and continue to develop.

This subject encourages us to do social work, as this is the first step to make a change in society, they also gave us some tools (books, video, and speech) that provided us with some concepts and points of view that helped us to think and find meaning in the social work.

When the teacher told me to do social work, I felt worried and bothered me a bit, because I work and sometimes feel that time is very short, but despite that I looked for a place to do the job. I joined a friend and we went together to SOLCA, our main task was to share with children and be a kind of support for them, we did various activities to encourage them and make them smile. I feel good sharing with these children because they are children who need support from those around them also with his smile, his spontaneity and his affection cheer me on.

After taking this course, and do social work, I can better understand what is the role of the individual in society and I am able to live according to the role that falls to me. Many people have ideas of how society should be (peaceful, just, prosperous, and that there is equality), but few people turn their ideals into action for change. My role and the role of each person should be this, that is, working together, supporting each other and find ways to contribute for positive change. I know people my age who believe that for being young and inexperienced you can not change anything, however, I realized that you can start with small things, just need the will to do it and be aware that anything that you do or not do not only apply to you, it also affects others.

As our teacher said, at least in my case and for my friends, we have a great opportunity; we have a cognitive surplus that we must seize. Some people waste their free time on things that benefit no one and don’t bring anything good, such as watching television, sleeping, chatting, playing video games (in this group I was included before the class), but now I realize that instead of doing this kind of non-productive things we can take our time to help people who need us or in developing projects that benefit the progress of the community.

I also realized that no one should settle after making a few good actions, we must commit ourselves and be in a constant struggle to achieve real change and to be living examples that motivate others to act and be part of this progress. The goal is to achieve a more mature society.

lunes, 27 de julio de 2009


Función de títeres: “Juan quiere conocer a los bomberos”
Anita: ¡Hola chicos!... ¿Cómo están?
Niños: Bien.
Anita: Bueno les voy a presentar a un amigo que es muy educado y se llama Juan.
Anita: Juan… ¿Dónde estás?
Juan: Hola Anita, aquí estoy (con voz desanimada).
Anita: Pero Juan ¿Qué te pasa? ¿Estás triste?
Juan: Si… un poco Anita.
Anita: Pero Juan… no estés triste… Mira que han venido unos amigos a vernos.
Juan: Ah… si… Hola niños (voz desanimada)
Anita: Juan No debes estar triste… Tienes que estar alegre como todos los que están aquí.
Anita: A ver… Cuéntame ¿Qué te pasa?
Juan: Es que mi hermano conoció a los bomberos y se subió al carro de bomberos y mi mami no me dejó porque soy muy pequeño.
Anita: Ay Juanito, pero no te preocupes… de seguro te subirás al teatrín en un par de años más.
Juan: Pero para que eso suceda falta mucho tiempo. (SE VA LLORANDO)
Anita: Uy no chicos. Pobre Juan. Está muy triste. Ese es el sueño de Juan…
Anita: ¿Saben que?... Vamos a ayudar a Juan a que cumpla su sueño de conocer a los bomberos y subirse al carro de bomberos.
Aparece un carro de bombero.
Anita: Wow… Chicos ¿Están viendo?... ¡Es un carro de bombero!
Hay que buscar al bombero.
Anita: Sr. Bombero?
Bombero: ¡Hola! ¿Quién eres?
Anita: Yo soy Anita y te quería pedir un gran favor.
Bombero: Pues ¿Cuál es el favor?
Anita: Es que yo tengo un amigo que se llama Juan y sueña con conocer a los bomberos y con subirse al carro de bomberos.
Bombero: Pues vamos a su casa para darle un gran sorpresa.
Anita ¡Si!
Se dirigen a la casa de Juan
Anita: Juan… ¡Ven acá con los niños!
Juan: No, no quiero salir estoy muy triste.
Anita: Por favor Juan… Ven tenemos una sorpresa.
Juan: No… No quiero.
Anita: Chicos… para que Juan salga tenemos que llamarlo fuertísimo. A la 1, 2 y 3.
Niños: ¡¡Juan!!
Juan: ¿Qué pasa? (y ve el carro de bomberos). ¡Wow!
Juan: Gracias Anita por ayudarme a cumplir mi sueño.
Andan en el carro de bomberos
Juan: Gracias Anita, gracias niños. ¡Los quiero!
Anita: ¡De nada!... ¡Si ven chicos que nosotros podemos cumplir nuestros sueños y ayudar a que otros cumplan los suyos!

domingo, 26 de julio de 2009



Caro and I had planned to make a puppet show for children, talked to Brenda and she gave us an idea. We use the puppets that are in SOLCA, after the show we went to the puppet protagonist greets children, post by post.

Then we went to the room where children are hospitalized, we had some finger puppets, we invented a story for children or told them they invent one. We represent while they narrated, so we tried to make them laugh, especially children who were alone.

After the puppets show we back to the room of children and Brenda told us that if we wanted to paint the children’s faces, we said yes but we didn’t know how paint faces. Brenda paints the first face, we saw how she did it and then we did it too. The children were happy and I learned something new and fun.

I felt good everyday, because I have come to share my time with these children, I think that to serve others if it makes you grow spiritually and makes you see things that maybe you didn’t see previously. I keep going to the hospital whenever I can, because these children enjoy the company of people who go to visit, and I also enjoy being with them.


Today in the morning, the Ladies of SOLCA came with some bags. The bags were food (which gives children in the mornings) and also had bought candy. They called us and told us that we help them fill some cups with candy and then wrap. After wrapping, put in the basket, also got some lined notebooks, pencils and other ornaments.
The ladies told us that they do these things to raise money for the 2nd floor (pediatrics) and to help with them to families who need them most.
Then we put an apron and went down to sell things. We traveled throughout the hospital. They also gave us to sell some boards for a bingo that they are organizing.

I felt strange at first, because I am not of those who like to sell. I consider myself a bad seller, but still had no choice, we sold some but not all.

Ladies, as well as sell and organize various events, support to mothers giving information about the disease, proper food, etc. It is a way to dispel some doubts and make them feel in some way more secure. I think they are people who give a more productive use to their time.


After giving the breakfast to the kids, Caro and I made jelly to bring to children who are hospitalized; some are almost a month in hospital. Again I was nervous because now we going to see children in hospital.
The rooms has between 6 and 7 cribs or beds and each child is accompanied by a relative, but there are children who are alone because parents have to make different arrangements from within the hospital.
The atmosphere of the rooms at the beginning is a bit uncomfortable because there are children crying, the parents look at you, etc.

While serving them jelly, children ask us when they were making cards. We told that to Brenda and she gave us material to bring them and help them to make cards. Apparently the kids love this activity. I helped the little ones when they asked me. When the cards just did and they pick everything, I read stories to children who were alone.

The children like to do fun things and that people go and talk with them and always show you their appreciation. For example today a girl made a card for me and gave me when completed, is the second time something like this happens to me, because another girl gave me a bracelet that she made. It is already known that people must help others without expecting anything in return, but it is nice to feel the affection of children =).


In the morning we made breakfast for children, after breakfast the children brought toys to amuse him while waiting to see a doctor. Today I saw more children than other days, Brenda explained that children who receive chemotherapy are many, but the doctors listed from time to time because someone live in other cities.
We have noticed these children a little sad, play individually, and not talk to each other. Caro had the idea to make games or activities in group to integrate them. We played "pompín colorado" and other games.

I like being with these children and share with them. I think it's good for them to feel the support of people, and I think that the approach to them to make smile is a best use of my free time, because instead of watching TV or doing things that benefit no one, I use my time to make happy children, and I enjoy too.